50 ft Sport Deck I just went to Sam's web site and looked at the Hatteras 50 SD. I may have just found my ideal boat. It was made a lot later...
I posted here several week ago asking about live a boards, but I think my needs are changing. I was most interested in the 58 Hatteras because of...
Bluewater Live-a-board I bought a new 65 ft Blue water about 15 years ago and had it about 5 years until a storm flooded the engine room at my...
We think we found our dream Live-a-board Thanks for telling me about Sam's Marine. We downloaded most of the brochures of the older Hatt's and...
Aft deck controls It make sense to put the rear controls in the aft deck. The 53 Hatt I'm looking at does not have a lower helm also, so I...
Best Live aboard We are still looking, but have decided we are getting a Hatteras. Since the boat will be over 10-15 years, I want the most...
iPad navigation I used my iPad from Fla to the Bahamas on the boat and have used it all around the Abaco's these last two Months with no Cell...
Ipad When I was in Fla a few Months ago to pick up a boat I purchased, it had an old Ray marine chart plotter on it. Since I was moving the...
Beam on differend Hatteras Thanks to everyone for your help. I'm getting my options narrowed down. Two final questions. Someone mention wide...
Flat Deck Flush deck is what I mean. Not sure about galley up or down. We like to entertain with cocktails etc and have couples over for...
Backing in with 53 Hatteras My wife and I enjoy setting at the dock so we can see whats going on and talk to friends walking up and down the...
Best Live a board David Thanks for your comments. I went pardners with a friend on a 53 Hatteras. In a month, I gave him my half. I loved...
Live aboard Thanks for all of your replys. I will look at all the boats you mention. Our budget is around $500K for a drive away boat with all...
Remote control I was under the impression that the remote controls would not work on mechanical controls. I was told that you needed electronic...
My wife and I want to move into a good live aboard such as a Hatteras. Is there a book or web site that describes the different models. We want...