In The Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick is the fascinating precursor to the Moby Dick novel, real life survival epic of sea men who make us...
Defend? That’s pretty funny but we will let history work that out. But you said it “makes a lot more sense” so I assume it is directed at the US....
Sure it does for nearshore local waters, but remember they are starting from scratch, have no naval history of note, and those boats have no deep...
My dad loved fishing so even as young as 10 years old it was me at the helm and him in the cockpit. We had a 28 Carver Santa Cruz with twin...
Sounds like a translation problem, 14 days away from port is more likely.
The US Coast Guard has been building an active fleet of Patrol Cutters for US waters and abroad and has recently launched the 37th of what will...
Mexican waters, will have to see what Mexican Navy response is, they have been building plenty of new ships, let’s see if they know what to do...
These guys have products that are well known in the industry:
Three favorites, 2 by Joe Upton, one of my favorite commercial marine writers: Alaska Blues: A Story of Freedom, Risk, and Living Your Dream by...
We have to absolutely build and repair our own ships. The higher costs associated to carriers and destroyers have been talked about for years,...
My comments on the Naval Academy were directly related to leadership, read the link for insight to how the practice of lying and cya starts at...
Who knows what is costly today? I remember when a $1 Million dollar yacht was a real big deal, now what does it take to turn heads or reset the...
The Zumwalt was basically a white elephant technology demonstrator making way for the next generation large surface combatant which will have new...
What I am talking about is a better solution for mixing and cooling the exhaust at the injection point. As far as any water getting back to the...
Not fan of water injection from underneath, would move it above centerline of the horizontal tube.
Now that is the truth.
The problem OB is you have a habit of assuming too much and creating a fictional account of events. How in the world would you even venture to...
What factory are you talking about? They had Palm Coast and Sykes Creek as ongoing manufacturing locations, neither were opened “back up” for...
I tested both and had the 3M 4000 UV stay brighter/whiter than the Sika 295 in direct sunlight. It’s all about prep and removing surface...
The two ships were of different Naval Class designs so hard to compare them; The Norwegian Ship use a parent Spanish F-100 Design:...