When breaking them in you need to vary the rpm and not run at any one rpm too long a period, do not see any issue in bringing a newly rebuilt...
Thanks for sharing your research, a very helpful account of the steps needed to understand when entering the IPS world. Not sure about triples...
So the OP is new to Diesels and just purchased the boat. First thing is to determine what the condition of the fuel in the tank is. Whenever we...
The biobor product is used to prevent microbial growth. Power Services has a similar product called a Bio-Kleen, Clear Tank is a different...
Biobor is pretty commonly used out West. https://www.biobor.com/products/biobor-jf-diesel/
There was one of these that had a battery let go in the engine room and took out the shaft seal and allowed it to flood and capsize, lots of...
That's a great steel mini-ship, can't imagine any other 55 footer in the world that has packed all those features in one platform, great cruiser!
There is a large yacht building community in Taiwan that should have plenty of resources, including propellers....
Well you could possibly use the original propellers for a baseline sea trial, but you would still have to recondition them at a prop shop and...
It’s been awhile, glad to hear the project is up and running again. As far as the shaft goes, I was commenting on your information regarding...
No one said any material is unsinkable and I never stated it was the perfect material either, all these comments coming with no basis whatsoever,...
You’re blowing smoke J, reaching out to cruise ship examples on a yacht forum, and the wastage stuff is just BS, there are plenty of old and new...
Now that is a great story!
Have the same curbside business going on in my neighborhood, same price point too :)
I think they used a local foundry on a lot of their cast bronze parts, a bit of an unusual approach, maybe these guys if my memory serves me...
Technically, the first Zopilote was a highly modified 48’ Pacemaker SF that Bruce took from Marina Del Rey to Hawaii once on its own bottom, a...
They were the local commissioning yard and helped put together all the special models as well as the Cabo owner’s personal boats. Part of the...
The best local wisdom you will find will be at Basin Marine boatyard in Newport Beach, they know the boat inside and out.
LCS Odd numbered ships are from Marinette, Even numbered from Austal. The first in class of each ship all have their issues, in this instance...
Don't understand your point. The FFG has GE Gas Turbines (so did the Italian version), electric motors will be from the US, the Controls and...