So Wdrzal if you had a UV light source located above a sea water strainer with a clear lid would that inhibit fouling and or barnacle growth in...
I have had similar problems and have tried threading copper wire thru the strainer this works to a degree, however with an alloy hull maybe thats...
aaaarrh, i anit never seen a night like it, and im not looking foward to the journey home either:D
Since no one mentioned it, most smaller sailing yachts have berths equipped with leecloths. These on the windward side of the boat, and of course...
With the dropdown keel on MV she wont be over that much either id guess. Cats are more stable and upright however there could be some...
Sailing yachts are designed so that you can move around whilst at an angle, you will have hand holds and bulkheads in various areas and fitted...
I got a tour of a new 180ft perini navi recently the chairs in the cabins had a chain from the underside to an eye bolt in the floor and almost...
The idea of adding hot sauce to antifouling ive come across before, never tried it myself thou. Understand and agree with your comments about...
The link below may be of some interest to you. Ive deck loaded these tanks, very well made, I dont quite have the room in the bilge to set them...
Hi there my first time posting on this forum, looks good, glad I came across it. I have been stuck on copper coat antifouling for both sailing...