Considering you know absolutely nothing about my small boat history that is rather an arrogant and insulting comment. Having owned (and refitted)...
Part of that brilliance is knowing that without having the real world data on that boat I am not so foolish or arrogant as to tell anyone he has...
You would be far better off to input the hydrostatics of the vessel in question into a real stability program rather than depend on hearsay and...
It sure looks otherwise ... Quote below slightly modifed for clarity. The (whatever) is code for keel. You are welcome to show the proof of...
Considering the boat was at a dock and not suffering from compartmental flooding, that is a reasonable if superbly obvious conclusion. He...
I suggest that any difference in susceptibility to roll due to the transverse location of added weights in a narrow beam vessel is so slight as to...
Saybolt viscosity is not given as a percentage ... the way you posted it read as if the viscosity was 50 odd percent of normal. That 50ish number...
Could be. Source seems to have a very high miss rate ... ;)
Old post but just read the thread and couldn't help but to comment. What color does unburnt fuel add to a diesel engine's lube oil? What color...
USCG rules in 46CFR I, J, and K outline the requirements for boats that use gasoline fuel for propulsion, generation, or powering other devices....
J, have you ever heard of "free surface effect"? This thread makes it clear that there are many misconceptions regarding stability and trim. It...
To quote the OP in the first words of the first line of the first post: "How fast is a large windlass suppose to retrieve?" Perhaps rather than...
So you plan to drop the anchor by powering down with the brake on then? A short inside the motor will by definition be between two conductors...
I can't recall ever seeing "raise the anchor" on a fire emergency checklist. And why should a "short" in a windlass motor present more of a...
That only applies to synchronous motors. An AC motor driving a load like a windlass is normally series wound and will turn faster with no load but...
The guy working on the assembly line at MTU did "such a thing" when he installed the crankcase breather ... The implication that this might be...
No, it is not weird. There is a lot of weird stuff in this thread that begs a lot of questions we are not allowed to ask but maintenance based...
This source pretty much shows that lead length is whatever it needs to be and their standard is 50 feet. Note that several of the cells don't even...
That's a very good question. I have never noticed it before but will spend some time trying to find out. I can't think of any electrical reason....
A high quality reference electrode and even a cheap multimeter will save several hundred dollars over that WM product. The only difference is your...