Nilo, thanks once again for the thoughtful, informative reply. i believe i have now completely hi-jacked this thread from the OPs orginal...
hey Nilo, thanks for the link to Ecce Navigo, indeed a beautiful Gulet. i live in Virginia, and would like to cruise up and down the Eastern...
nice much better than death, especially for the young (and i am not an anti-death sentence mole) if we could get the appeals run through within 5...
according to the article, then wife Jenny was just as culpable for this crime, but no mention is made of her sentence. i smell a plea. Mike
fwiw, here is a Gulet i find especially fetching. the feature i like most about this boat is it's use of outdoor space. in spite of it's blue...
@K1W1, actually they do make them that size and larger. example M/S Annabella, 47 meters and to my eye completely gorgeous. i only recently (2...
kind of disappointing to read, as it seems these boats are worth little more than minor island hoppers. a shame as they are stunning in my...