Who buys a 100' yacht and expects privacy? Every where Ive been anything bigger than a raft must be registered in some way for public Identification.
What about repowering with a SINGLE 500 Hp Diesel? What would the effect on speed and range be? Are there power dividers so I could keep the...
As you might expect rust and drainage. Look around the bilge carefully to see how clean its been kept. If all the drainholes are open and the...
This seems like the sort of thing I would have checked into BEFORE I bought it. This engine replacement is gonna run ya a bit of green!
I see it was foams ability to protect from rust that interested me. And while I dot think I would pull any other coating off to see what is...
Why isnt foam applied on the inside below the waterline?
What Id heard of was on the inside but WOW a outside plan would be even better! I like the Idea of sound deading and heat insulation so the...
Ive heard that spray foaming a steel hull is the best way to keep it from rusting. Anybody have experience with this? Any special type of foam or...
Im not sure what price the quoted ya but it should be a hauloff deal...haul it off and its yours.
I'm not sure about your boat but I took the fly bridge off my 37 in about 2 hours. Except for the last 10 minutes to move it it was a one person...
Your comparing apples to squid! Find a steel hull in good shape and compare that to a fiberglass in good shape. Have both of them checked out...
ALL the pits I have found are on the inside.
BLEW UP?:eek:
I have a steel Roamer,according to the book it has 11 gage steel in the bottom. I have found some pitting in a few of the lowest places, all...
It costs to much to transport them to a common spot. and the land in most yards is to valuable to let them take up space for long.
Black hull with red stripe and something else above the deck say a blue or red?
LOL ah yes the fine dining experiance on a unmatched level! I saw today where a couple got married in one, they closed the dining room but not...
Is this a 46'?
LOL Obviously you have no Idea of inexpencive living. FOOD is one area where even on a minamal budget you can enjoy soom of the greatest life...
I think there are a couple of boats over on the east side of the Homer harbor that might fit your needs with some refit work. Pretty sure they...