Thank you Judy, we are all about being as close to "full time" on our yacht and seeing the up keep as our retired job. We now live on 5 acres and...
Low T, That is one of the sights I have watched. The couple who have spent the last 9 years aboard their Nord and did a circumnavication are...
Here is a quick question. If you have a on shore residence..condo, apartment etc. but spend 6 plus months aboard your yacht going here and...
When did it start? When did "Yachts" as in pleasure craft under 100' begin being fabricated in steel? It was usually reserved for larger ships...
Big Yacht repower I cannot even guess the cost of such a repower. Just the labor hours would exceed the cost of the hardware. At what point in...
That would be our choice Judy, given equal experience and skill set, my wife and I wouild love to have a female captain. The reasons cannot be...
Just a quick question...on the average, how many quality Marina's also have moorings for those who don't need a dock and shore power? It would...
you are right, I do have a bit of pity for anyone who is harmed by a shark....not a way to go, or to recover from. My wife and I SCUBA dive but...
Oh no! he fell free climbing off El Capitan...Why is is that people get so shocked when someone get shark bit when surfing in the waters that...
Give this boat a look We are also thinking about a larger power cat, and one that seems like it has great quality and design is the Pacific...
I was trying to come up with a "critical" list of which 5 systems on board would you check daily not withstanding the obivous....fuel, water,...
What started out as a pretty simple question turned into a wide variety of opinions about what a captain is worth. And I have taken from most of...
I am not saying anyone is at fault, since I stated the true causes are not even known. What I am asking is how to compare mega yacht crew with...
I guess from reading the various posts, that it seemed that some of the critical duty watch areas might not have been manned. Either from...
Ok, going out on a limb Just saying......I know that Naval vessels can run weeks on end, and they have a crew that is sort of "obliged to be...
Cheap fuel.....well sort of cheap...has kept diesel as the primary source of yacht propulsion. Even though the ultra rich don't really care of...
Power Cat length? Can anyone tell me if the length of a power cat vs. the beam effect the ride quality? It seems that it is now we are seeing...
When have I said anything to not agree that the Captain is the man in charge? It has to be that way....history says that command structure is...
Don't get me wrong.....I understand how the chain of command works aboard a vessel. The helm on a cruise ship is much different than one on a...
I completely understand what both of the above comments as they relate to the ships authority and command structure. What I don't understand is...