Can only say one word: Respect! Superb job. Now just enjoy the pride of cruising in a real classic! What's her name? Boatox??? How about...
I wouldn't be surprized either, remembering another example: it took almost 10 years to lift the cover-up of the Concorde disaster. The more...
Thanks for the compliment: it is a pleasure to still be considered as a "Greenie" at age 70!
Thank you...appreciated! I'll go to bed tonight a little less stupid than this morning:rolleyes: Fortunately I knew already quite a few things...
Yes, I realize where P. Stark got some of his visual cues I lived in the SF Bay Area for a quarter century, working for one of the big hi-tech...
I wonder about some technical details, particularly the propulsion solution. The ship data mentions "2 x Rolls Royce 16 cylinders". That should...
Thank you very much. I will not be a major contributor, due to my own limited experience...but will do my best, just because I love boats! :D
Picking up this thread a little late...but just registered to the forum. I think the "why...?" is relatively easy to answer: the Bassin...
Excellent Pictures! Thank you for taking the time to share. Cheers Jack.