I bought a Zodiac 4 man life raft that comes in a white fiberglass or plastic container. To save a buck I bought it used on eBay. The white...
Thanks Nomad. I'm ashamed to say that, that makes me feel a little better BUT! I bought new to avoid these issues. There is no excuse for letting...
The mold story is just heart wrenching! That's serious stuff, I'm just dealing with frustration not loosing my business and my daughter in the...
I bought a used SkipJack that had been sitting in the salt water for 11 years. I had to put about $15k into it to bring it up to where it should...
Hey Nomad, Ya, They got them installed and they look great. I finally took possession of the boat and nothing works. The gas tank meters, water...
I really like the look of the Voyager. I would love to have bought one but that is a million dollar yacht new! I don't know if you bought new or...
My inverter and batteries were mounted in a huge storage compartment in the floor of the salon. Even when I opened the hatch and stuck my head in...
Go to manage attachments and click on "Choose File" then navigate to the picture and click "Choose" or "Save" then when you are back at the...
I like the car, is that a Cadillac? NICE! Here's one for ya. My other baby. She loves to go to the track! 550hp, 501 foot pounds torque, 1/4 mile...
Next pic should have six rocket launchers on the back of the fly bridge. Maybe I'll actually take possession of her next week - Thanks Nomad!
Correction: To the bass boat crowd these yachts are completely worthless.
I thought the Chevy analogy was pretty good but I believe that all of the different types of boats have their own section. To state that the...
I started the purchase process in October and wrote them a check in early January. It was delivered to Sausalito in mid Jan and has been in...
Hi Nomad, I'm new to carver boats too and I had the same question. I think the people that trash Carver, Silverton and similar are the sport...
Hey! A home town boy. I was born in S.F. and lived on the peninsula all of my life except for a much too short two years in the 17 mile drive in...
My boat is 34', 36 LOA. I'm having a 3000 wat inverter/charger mounted in the salon storage compartment - in the floor - along with four house...
You may want to consider moving the inverter out of the engine room. They do not suggest putting them there due to explosion. I am having an...
That's a bit harsh for a mistake, don't you think? Why can't a Carver owner post to the tech forum? It seems like a logical place for his...
Oops, sorry about that. I thought the pic looked like the Voyager. I'm new to Carver. Regardless, it's a good looking yacht and it looks like a...
Thanks Mystic. Are you happy with your Voyager? That's a lot of boat and a very good looking boat too. I can't get my picture to post as part of...