I think the forward visibility on a dehaviland beaver would be somewhat limited coming up on the step and accelerating….(it is powered by a radial...
Before making the plunge, have you researched marina costs? There has been lots of discussion about the actual liveaboard boat, but where will you...
Its common on the Great Lakes: [MEDIA]
For Sale again: http://www.antiqueboatamerica.com/ab_list_boatNew.asp?Left=ForSale&Type=ViewBoat&BoatId=37092 In the video, they mention a...
In the what ever happened to file: In the 60's, there used to be a 60' [?] motor yacht named the Court Ship, moored at St. Lawrence Engine,...
Are those props on "Tinker Toy" a new standard design for Hatteras or an option??? Never seen so many blades on one wheel before. :confused:
"waste less fuel" How do you waste fuel when it goes into a boat??? ;)
My advice would be to forget buying a boat in Europe.. sounds too complicated with taxes, transport costs, unfamiliar builder [over here anyway],...
Just as a follow up, I rec'd a prompt response from Searay customer service about this countertop problem.The counter is in fact, finished with...
That would be my next question of whether or not it is replaceable...I guess i'll give the dealer or SeaRay a call.
Has anyone had experience with galley countertops cracking in 2002 Sundancers?? We are looking at a low hour boat that appears to be in great...
This yacht came up to the Clayton Antique Boat Show [Thousand Islands, New York State] a few years ago...beautiful....
For those planning to cruise the Trent/Rideau system,check out the new Parks Canada fee structure.The proposed increases were outrageous, even for...