A flashlight and a mirror help, too. :) ...along with the ability to be a contortionist.
NYCAP123... A follow up...found the source of the leak. It's coming from the aft end of the valve cover, (in a place that was very difficult...
Thanks for the info NYCAP, I'm going to have my mechanic look at it tomorrow, probably change out the filter and see if it corrects it.
Yes, I have an oil change system, no evidence of leaks there at either end. I'm really beginning to suspect the in line filter is either blocked...
Capt J: Done. No leaks that I can see, and the pan is clean all around. Ran the engine at idle, nothing showing a leak. NTCAP123: You...
I've done just what you suggest. A run and then inspection. The only place I can find oil is in the area below and aft of the aftercooler, and...
I have a 2003 Carver ACMY with Volvo Penta KAMD-300's. The starboard engine is leaking oil at the aft end of the engine. I have been told that...
Actually, AZ does allow concealed carry, with a permit. I prefer concealed carry. I don't want the bad guy to know that I am armed....
Only if you are a resident. And a 4473 is still required if the seller is a dealer.
Again, private sales between state residents are legal. Private sales to a resident of another state are not. The seller has the legal...
The penalties (both State and Federal) for "straw man" purchases are severe. A Florida resident cannot legally sell a firearm to a non Florida...
Anyone use or have experience with SeaKey? I am purchasing a (used) vessel equipped, but not activated. So I called to get info on...