Interesting... I think tonnage was definitely a concern in the F45 design. Aren't they all 499 GT already? ;-)
On some yachts, like Sea Owl and some Feadship F45s, the side decks flanking the upper-deck lounge appear to be too narrow for regular use. Are...
You guys gave me great inspirations. Now I may as well rewriting a pivotal fling in the book to occur in the broom cupboard. :D
Good point. Though I wonder how much horizontal folk dancing is done vertically in a supply closet. :D
Thanks! It does seem that charters require a lot more man(woman)-power. Perhaps the guests want silver service every night and beach BBQ every...
Hi olderboater, I was thinking of the 75m to 90m range, perhaps 2500 to 3500 GT. This is for the book I'm writing, remember? ;-) Thanks!
Obviously a larger yacht will demand a larger crew. Is there a general rule-of-thumb to determine the optimal crew size? Am I correct that the...
It is better to have more than one passion. However, too many people have no passion whatever. They live just to survive and they work because...
Well said! Passion is what we ought to live for. Perhaps the goal of life is to die with the least regret. If a person wishes he were doing...
Sure! I want to strike a balance between realism and drama. Certainly, many readers do not even care about details and accuracy. But I do...
That scene is not the final climax. He will have a dramatic downfall later in the story. :-) This evil owner is especially good at bluffing...
What if the owner immediately dismisses the captain while being arrested/confined? Are there cases when someone is confined to his cabin for...
Are the yachties on the show real or are they paid actors? I watched a few minutes and I felt they were (over-)acting.
Yes, the Sovereign is an incredible little aircraft, especially in hot-and-high situations.
Since the captain is the master, can I assume that he can confine even the owner to his cabin? Can the owner immediately dismiss the captain...
Fair enough. I should have done that. Sorry. :-) Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for.
Yes, this character also owns a couple of Falcon jets. A few locations (e.g. Sedona, Tortola) in the book are not quite accessible by a BBJ. :-)...
Actually, I am writing a fiction. :-) The hero (but not the protagonist), a multi-billionaire financier/philosopher, will acquire a megayacht...
Is there a point beyond which docking at a marina becomes impossible? Will it be 300ft? 400ft? 500ft? I have seen 400-footers happily docked at...
Driving is not that bad. The key is not to look for street parking, it probably costs less to pull into a garage. Beware, one garage may charge...