What year is the boat? My 42 was a 1980 and had no tank, just a non functioning LectraSan. I did add a tank and macerator along with some other...
Make them out 1/2” starboard with stainless hinges.
No idea on a 50 but on my 34 Luhrs with twin Detroits my exhaust was on the side. Still smelled with the added benefit of having exhaust soot on...
On our 1980 42 with the flat bottom I found there were times I just had to run a different course to get a comfortable ride. Even if it meant...
We had a 1980 42. Always sat level but the flat bottom will cause it to roll in higher winds or beam seas. Enough wind and beam seas would have a...
[ATTACH] I'd say keep it.
Also duplicated in seafoam starboard
Not that I can find and we don't have the boat anymore. I removed the tank fills from the gunnels and used them.
My pipes were galvanized, the elbows were black pipe and rusted through. I eliminated them. Put the fills in the cockpit directly over the tank...
At least you had copper pipe. Our 1980 had sat for a bit before our purchase and the very first fuel up was a challenge. Post used galvanized pipe...
I think this is a 42 with no bow rail. [MEDIA]
Are you a wood worker? When I had mine with the mahogany interior I carefully cut away what I needed to get the TV out (old CRT) and then made...
For on land storage I used to use those cheap supermarket balls for the exhaust. Kept the birds out.
McMaster Carr
Have you googled ‘man-grenades’ ?
My 42 with 6-71 TI's used 24x26 3 blades or 23x24 4 blade S&S Katapults. And the 4 blade Katapults are 4 sale.
Same rudders I used when one of my original rudders fell off due to corrosion of the stainless shaft and pin. I haded the rounded shape before....
I didn’t say anything about running an inlet. Inlets are all manual control and the more HP you have, the better,
Best thing I found for the flat bottoms in a following sea was a fast acting auto pilot.
Stink bugs ?