Concepts I'm not asking anyone to put their money down. I am asking for you to humor me for a moment and answer the questions assuming that...
Concepts If the final design prototype was no more than 12 months away would you feel the same way?
Concepts Are we having fun yet!!!!!!!
Concepts Your concerns are legitimate but for the moment assume that durability is not an issue.
Concepts The prototype that is in the video is the engine I built from scratch. In my previous post I explained that before I made the...
Concepts I would like to move the conversation forward with a few questions of my own about marine engine concepts. I have no idea where...
Concepts When the final design application engines are ready, I will be pleased to discuss it.
Concepts Please go back and read the post where I explained that the 4 cylinder 5 liter production engine that I first modified was the one...
Concepts One last attempt at rationality. Do you really see no difference between a concept and a running engine that you can put your hands...
Concepts I posted three questions earlier and the post disappeared. What's up?
Concepts I'm sorry but you readily admit that you have no engine knowledge yet you continue posting on a thread about Engine Concepts. You...
Concepts If everyone is in agreement I would like to move the conversation forward with a few questions of my own about marine engine concepts....
Finally you are contributing to the discussion. Anyone who has had an engine tested on a dyno knows that there are reams of information. I have...
Concepts My name is not Tm Brownell. Please read all of the post. It will be less confusing.
You are right, facts are facts so lets look at the real facts here. Marmot jumped me the moment I posted the .28 BSFC figure. Since then Marmot...
I really don't know how else to say this. All of the testing stopped in 2008. I have only worked on improving the designs and patents since 2008....
Concepts Thank you so much for your post. I agree with every aspect of it. As I stated in a previous post, since we had to stop in 2008, I...
I haven't updated the web site in years but the first engine family that we intended to produce would have used this bore and stroke. The in-line...
You two are not interested in a legitimate discussion about engine concepts and design so I would appreciate it if the moderator would just close...
Concepts Still trying to be kind here. It would be great if you would actually read the post. Post 51 tells you that I have not tested...