I think that may be what he has at the dock, access to 2 125a power, but his boat is a single 250 amp cord connection 3 phase 50 hz European power.
Here is his thread on another forum, it got me interested to find out. Split 50H/250A into 2* 50H/125A | Boat Design Net
A guy with a big boat in the Med is at marinas that only have 125A 3 phase power, and his boat has one shore inlet 250A 3 phase power. Can two...
you are not keeping them ocupied so they dont eat the rest of the boat. Yes, small wood exposure anywhere underwater and worms can settle in. An...
yes, then it would not slip, Another suggestion was put sand on the keel blocks.
A worm shoe could be a thick fiberglass strip screwed on to a wood keel Does not have to be wood. When I cut up my 60's old runabout, should have...
No it is not the purpose of the worm shoe, makes no sense. The worm shoe does not divert worms away from anything, Worms eat any exposed wood....
Wont work. If I am thinking I know your mind about this, how could it? The keel slip is not fore aft, it is sideways supposedly according to the...
Not sure how that works? Marina Keel blocks are big rectangular pieces of wood. The keel sits on the Marina keel blocks, they are randomly chosen...
No, wood is wood they equal opportunity wood eaters of exposed wood.
The keel base is 4" wide flat and long, extending front to rear but about 3/4 way of the length of boat Hull is round chine lobster boat or...