To all: My mechanic dropped the oil pan yesterday and he found two bent up thrust washers laying at the bottom of the pan. Any idea what might...
Would like to get them both done now but mechanic's working me In now and has other commitments elsewhere he's postponed. My issue just popped...
No issues from the other engine but high hours dictate attention in the near future. I'm going to fish it this summer and probably rebuild the...
I digress, Big Cats are first choice but the smaller MANs are an attractive alternative. I think his least expensive route is replace block,...
If the block was cracked, its gotta come out. I would't waste a dime on on it, either a new DD short/long block or re power. If i was going to...
I'm rebuilding a 12 v 92 in a 54 right now. The cost of a repower vs. rebuild is considerable.
My Hatt would wax up real well! Like new! Just think it's a better finish. Gotta paint the superstructure on the Bertram soon and reluctantly...
I've owned a Hatteras with Imron and currently own a Bertram with Awlgrip and the Imron is a far superior finish. Period. Anybody got any...
To All: Good news!!!! It was the injector tubes that were leaking. Two were leaking on one of the outboard heads. We still need to replace a...
Thank you all! Great advice!
Thanks Ron!
Ron, We've developed a new problem. The Cam shaft on the left rear bank needs to come out. A lobe is completely worn to round. How many hours...
I'm with you Capt. J. I'm going to insist on compression test before we go any further. Then bore scope through air boxes. But if I'm pulling...
A pretty decent mechanic I've known for years whom has worked on this and previous boats I've owned. I am concerned he hasn't taken the air box...
Jimbo, Have not pressure tested with all injectors out. Should I request mechanic do that next???
Today's update: The mechanic removed valve covers from the inboard side of engine and then injectors. Still, clean oil. From what he can...
We've exhausted all lesser expensive and drastic approaches with no luck. My mechanic ran a test at idle and was able to determine "bubbling"...
Engine was not rebuilt but has about 2700 hrs on it. I feel better about yanking heads and getting a look at the pistons and liners. If one is...
BTW, any opinion on what my mechanic is doing?????
Didn't know sorry