If you run a 32 volt motor on 24 volt it will simply be less powerful but there won't be any damage. Going back to the toilet pump, if you design...
No thanks necessary :) I had those links up there anyway :) Hopefully there will be a couple of left overs :) A new bid isn't going to...
I've started a blog about my Bertram so as to share the knowledge. There's a link there to this site :) The blog is viewable here: 1985 Bertram...
Sorry, no offense meant. Just a bit of lighthearted banter. Sorry, I'm not much on anything to do with golf. Carts include. What capacity are...
You have a GOLD cart? What's your other nickname? Prince?!... :)
Capacity Any idea of what kind of battery capacity I should be looking for? These 4 x 8 volt banks will be used to start DD 8V92TI's.
Do the math!... 3 x 12 volt = 36 volt... That's 12.5% more then the required...
Thanks for confirming that. Duh! Last time I checked 3x12 volt = 36 volt... I can only wonder "what were they thinking?!..." Another, no less...
What batteries OK, assuming I'm going forward with the existing 32 volt setup, what was the original battery setup on these (1985 46'6" Bertram...
OK, so clearly the motor is OK. Inconsistent spinning of the props would lead to inconsistent turning of the geas. Get a couple of...
The thing is the boat is missing a lot of 32 stuff as it is (Raritan Electra Scans, batteries) and what remains is quite dodgy... IOW, I'm looking...
Hi, my recently purchased 1985 46'6" Bertram Convertible has the standard (for the time) 32 volt system. Has anybody redone a 32 volt to a 24...
Just take as an example WWII mine chasers that have been turned into yachts... Or, 20-30 year old oil platform service boats that have been turned...
A question about security I have heard some (most probably old wife) tales about pirates. Specifically around the Dominican Republic, around Cuba...
I have 2 (registered) EPIRB's. One on the boat (hydrostatic release and auto start) and one (manual) on the 10 pax raft. That raft is in addition...
Nah... What's the fun in that? The family that plays together stays together. We've previously (bare boat) chartered several times. Great fun was...
Not a choice. I already have the Sirius receiver equipment. The difference between a "just audio" (i.e. music, talk shows etc) plan and one that...
Thanks. Safety is paramount. Especially as I want to do this as a family thing. Talking about safety, if it happens that we get a major...
OK, I can see your point. However, in that case, and considering that none of my legs are going to be more then 24 hours in duration (and quite a...
Weather information My boat has a Sirius (audio) receiver. Would a Sirius Weather subscription be an acceptable alternative to getting a...