Always ready Hangered Hilo! Thanks all! I am not ready to get too serious yet, but I am very greatful for all your help and all this discussion....
Thanks all. I do love this machine and have tried to reserch the posibility of getting one that is airworthy. That has been and I think will be...
S-55 on Yacht? A question for you all. Anyone know if any S-55s are still flying? I think it would be nice to have one land on a Yacht. Ok...
High Latitudes? I have been looking into this as well. As for the really big Yachts, you have more space for everything, and if you want to...
Question I have been reading the posts and do like them. But on beam doors could you have a sliding dor? Tink of the doors of a minnie fan? You...
Thanks. I know you realize that the S-61 was designed and built for the water. That said, yes maintanance would be higher, then salt water...
Sorry for the confusion. This is a study, and fact finding mission. I am not, at this time, able to commision the Yacht, but would like to have...
To operate an S-76 off the yacht would allow me to get from ship to shore or reverse and to travel the area. It would be operating in New...
Thanks for your help. Is it to wide? I was thinking about it that is was a good match. If I were to keep it at 82m long and 14-16 m beam what...
I am trying to develop a trip for a stroy I am working on. I am interested in any opinions of these Ports: Lisbon, Portugal; Bacilona and...
All the articals were very nice, the one on MSNBC makes me want to invest in a shipyard? Any thoughts on that? As for the Slate artical, I agree...
Trouble at Sea? I have been following this project as an Architect and Engineer and more so as a beleaver in hard to reach projects. The website...
Norsman, that would be what I would think. But then if you are paying all that, cash then why not use the boat ;)
Well People had some mostly they were shots from the charter services. But I have found some others that have poped up on the net. But Re...
From the Outside!! I am not a crew member, but would like to ask what is the craziest owner request of a Captine or crew? Also are male owners...
After reading People's issue this week I wanted to ask about these two Yachts that are shown. I know it sounds dumb to ask, but all I have found...
Looked over the New Zealand Yachts site, you are right it is a nice yach. So is the 50 m boat. But I am not sold on the wave piercer design. :o
I thought that would be the case. I must be the only person interested in Large Yachts that also want a chopper like these. :cool:
New to Large Sail Yachts! I love old sailing ships, clippers and scooners mostly. Being from Maine and now living near the coast it is a draw...
The proposal in London looks nicethough a bit to modern for me, but why make the hotel a Yacht and not have it cruising the oceans? Or would that...