Update: I got a 17mm hex socket with a 1/2" breaker bar and tried to get the bolts out. I managed to get all four of the radial bolts out but...
The AP pump is mounted on the wall of the engine room. It's 2 decks below the helm but connected via 3 hard copper lines. The AP pump is teed...
Thank you - very helpful. I'll need to get a 17mm hex socket and then follow your suggestions. The ABT Trac manual lists the torque at 300...
It's 24VDC. PM sent!
Yes, the whine can be reproduced with the main engine off. Thanks again for the help! I'll get started on this project and report back...
Sorry, there are no flexible connections between the helm pump and the AP drive pump; hard copper lines all the way from both back to the...
I've noticed a fair bit of vibration on the port main engine and am now looking at the front of that engine where it drives a hydraulic pump...
We made it into San Francisco Bay just before Christmas and have been relaxing in our new slip here since. Today I mapped out the Hynautic...
Yes, makes complete sense. I'll see what I can hear down by the pump with the engines off (once this trip is over), and probably rebuild the helm...
Thanks again for all your thoughts on this. I'll need to confirm that the pump is starting and stopping but it definitely sounds like it is. The...
Thank you for the thoughts and ideas. Yes, Hynautic. I, too, am puzzled by the helm disengaging. It seems like there would have to be some type...
Hello, The 2001 Horizon 76 I purchased in Florida made it to Ensenada on the big ship just fine and we're now working our way up to San...
Yup, they did. Apparently they are not an outright fraud; just flakey...
Did you ever receive anything from them? I paid for a "starter kit" 2 months ago and still haven't received anything. Twice now they've stated...
Yup, I think that this latter method is the only choice I have for the next gear oil change. After that, I like Capt J's idea -- just a valve...
I'm starting to dig into the various systems of our new-to-us boat and am trying to figure out the oil change setup that came with it. Here's the...
We (finally) received the oil analysis results. Both main engines are fine with oil; the only thing that was noted was high iron in the coolant...
Well, just got off the phone with Gabe, mystery solved: Apparently the engines had been running synthetic oil, and the previous owner questioned...
Wow, I'm always amazed by how much I learn from you guys, even on a simple topic. Thanks!!!!
The other work done that same visit was to drain the coolant (from only the port engine) and replace a leaking raw water cooling pump. Perhaps...