I ran 6 cyl. Deutz gennys for 12 days at a time during a trans-pac. No real problem - just added oil as needed while it was running. Then switched...
Well CBKHI - you beat me to the "bridge" lunch - I wasn't invited until the second meeting. Keep your eyes peeled.
$300k to buy - but what kind of annual budget is your friend allowing for? A 30 footer is a lot cheaper to own in the long run than an 85 footer....
unpainted aluminium oxidizes naturally and the surface "corrosion" is actually protection from serious damage. As for painted aluminium blisters...
Lets face it folks. Everything we're discussing here depends on the situation. Would I go to the head while transiting a busy port without a...
heh heh heh... and for going to the Med. make your compass read 090 and put the sticks down. I've gotta do mach.8@60k ft. before I die.... at...
Aero Isn't flying solo part of the requirement to get a pilot license? ....Only one question.when heading to sea - do you plot on paper as...
....Or install a load bank.
Get in with the yacht brokers. They are the key to a captain job. Steer clear of crew agencies - I haven't found a single one yet that was usefull.
The (real) captains in this conversation are making themselves quite aparent. The paper license is for the insurance company. It's the experience...
Consider a marine architect school?
Be verry careful when sanding your teak decks. In the old days they were solid 3/4" - 1 1/2" teak - these days it's usually 1/4" veneer over...
I would recommend a 5mic sediment filter installed upstream from your carbon filter. The carbon filter will remove chlorine and other chemicals...
boat ID The old woody looks like she has the lines of a classic Burger, - I would guess sometime in the 40's ?? The second could be a Soverign -...
TITS TITS got her name when the (then) owner's son first saw the boat and exclaimed "Dad, it's the tits!" it went from there.