silent wings.... now there is a vision. Dream or Nightmare is up to you...
Alpha Another system is right behind Katrina. This could be an interesting week to come. Glad I'm between boats at the moment. I had enough...
Contracts I have two different contracts. One is a "crew" contract, the other is a "Captain" contract. You can edit either one to suit your...
neighbors I've been told that bandido is an early westport that sold for dirt cheap last year. It doesn't look like it to me - but i s'pose it's...
Gas tubines I think a couple of gas turbines powering generators would be an interesting approach to gaining fuel efficiency. I have a friend...
I have been watching the computer models. ( ) It looks like this thing is gonna turn north. Any guesses? Man!! of...
I like Nobeltec,You can't beat the charts, and the features. Plus it's easy to use. but it's pricey and their customer service sucks... I also...
call RPM and see what they say. I would imagine you could get away with a decent coolant additive. I personally don't use the factory coolant, and...
My fear is of the micro-commanders deciding on their own that they want to go full-ahead while I'm docking. Aparently a boat (left unnamed) hit...
Nice looking boat... The teak & holly sole looks great, and the dinette is show quality. however - do you find that the location of your clutch...
You can use the boat, but you pay food, fuel, dockage, crew wages, insurance, transportation and delivery fees, and my percentage for brokering...
Brian, I have these fears with both of the boats that I run, but in a slightly different sense. One has Mathers Micro-Commander clutch/throttle...
I have seve3ral suggestions for you - Smart Moves is not one of them. Call Nancy Sherwood @ (954) 779-2568. She has a nice cottage for rent and...
I think I saw the boat you're talking about. My other baby is at LMC.
yarpie = south african sorry for the nik-names. Here's a run-down. Kiwi = New Zealander Aussie = You know Pome = Product (or prisoner) of...
Trouty Weah gonnah need a biggah booaht.... Trout - yer an aussie, not a yarpie... am i correct?
OOPS!! I took this picture last year on a Hollywood, FL beach. Does anyone else have any other good "oops!" pics? The sunken sailboat pic kinda...
OK, this thread got a little too technical for my brain matter at this particular moment. I just drive the boats... and fix 'em when dey be...
We're berthed behind the owner's house. Just north of the Las Olas bridge, then go left down the canal. The boat is in great shape because she was...