The details on the exhaust design will be interesting to see. On a vessel this size isn't it common that the ER has a full time crew member in...
I filled up my car yesterday at the local Utah grocery store (where I got a $0.40/gal discount for buying goods there during the last month) for...
The uber rich are on the hunt for deals, which unless inherited, is how they became uber rich. Today's economic uncertainties have caused many of...
Kinda like the BC Ferry that ran into a rock and then went down a few years ago near Hartley Bay - with the bridge man and woman "watch" otherwise...
A few passsing thoughts to ponder: Off the coast of NZ during the past month, a Captain elected to take a shortcut over/through a charted reef....
Eartec for us. We like them so well we got another set as spare. To me the biggest advantage is after leaving the dock there is a 5-10 minute...
CaptJ is correct, some but not all Nordhavns can gravity feed to day tank. An added advantage to this is it can allow complete draining of main...
Wow NYCap you are really running with this. Please note I never revealed what the background and experience was of the 57 owners. For all you know...
Smart and affluent newbies know how to get a vessel insured. Certainly learning through USPS, Coast Guard, state licenses etc are available and as...
As a newbie on this site I've been trying to catch up on the tenor. On this thread I note the statement that engine oil should be changed every...
Induction cook tops and convection microwaves can be run off your inverter, particularly when you are underway with the main engine alternators...
At last year's Seattle boat show a proud salesman showed me a section of core that had been removed to install a diesel heater. It was about 2/3...
Muskett In the considerable looking I have been doing it seems all owners and brokers tout their vessels, no matter what the brand and...
For those spending money rather than illiciting internet thoughts, a yacht is an investment decision normally (but not always) given due care and...
Elbow grease every two weeks with shower scum cleaner. My sumps are readily accessible
For detailed information on the Selene 48 read Brain Calvert's active blog regarding his trip from Seattle to Indonesia. I have talked with a...
As a Newbie poster to this site all I can say is political jabbing seems to rule the internet. Sign out of here if you want but the next forum...
On my Sealand tankwatch (per the picture Marmot posted) each probe has a hand nut that can be loosened allowing the probe to be lifted and shook...
Prop Bet You are certainly right to say "dig deep." But the Selene is an entirely different cruising vessel than the Flemings, GBs etc you...
Selene Same question, given the popularity of these vessels I'm surprised there are no replies from owners. I've looked at 3 in the past few...