Everyone was so helpful thought I would post and end of story. Sold it to someone else and told him it was suppose to do it. Little humor there....
Thanks what is weird is it popped up in my e-mail as if it was new.
The guy was wrong in the employment contract. No unauthorized people. Not to mention what happens if there was a slip and fall ? He is not an...
When I do take of slow it does tend to smoke a lot less. Where the smoke occurs is from 1100 -1500 it is twin turbo and they take a bit to spool...
It only smokes coming out of the hole after it is up it goes away.
Ouch ! Went and looked in Lauderdale today. It is what I would call a well used but not neglected boat. Looks decent outside but everything is...
One other non related I am going to look at a boat that had a repower with 1300 mans in 2000. Thoughts ?
I hear ya can never figure some say concentrate on RPM's some say load very confusing. Start digging in the back at 70 and lose a lot of speed.
man sorry i missed th ereplies. BOat goes to full RPM's only smokes heavy while planing. If I creep it up it doesn't go completely away but a...
Mystery solved there is a speed sensor that was fixed summer 2018 one of the specific things in the manual is DO NOT SPLICE THIS WIRE. Guess what...
I have probably put 400 Hours on them and am Tired of scrubbing soot off the back every time I go out. They are fully serviced by a very...
I have a Westerbeke and the guy told me 58-62 is ok.
mine has cut offs
Will let you know this definitely has a sensor. Man I have hit a few forums trying to fix and I have to tell you I have never seen so much...
Thanks, exhaust temp oil all good. It runs perfect loaded up with 5 AC's for an hour then like someone flips a switch drops RPM's and volts go...
No change it is like someone flips a switch and drops a few hundred RPM's almost instantaneous.
Thanks filters all fresh. It did the same thing a while back the guy fixed it and I forgot to ask what it was I know it was a speed sensor of...
Guys I looked for anything like this and could not find so if I am duplicating I am sorry. I have a 15 KW Westerbeke in my 55 Sedan. It will...
I have a marquipt I will sell cheap I was told 1000 pounds it is in Naples Fl. 2500 and it is yours
I own a slip downtown naples and it is a liveaboard. 72 x 19 the dilema is that my house where i keep my boat is for sale and if it sells I will...