Skookum - even the motorsailor versions Diesel Duck - even the ones with get home sail rigs Anything with a full keel and not round bottom. Avoid...
They could have flown a complete crew of breakers from Bangladesh to do the job six months ago. Disgraceful!
We made our way thru to Detroit and back to St John's. Now on the way to Godthab. But like most non American flagged ships, had zero problems.
My sons have ten otr trucks and while they've experienced similar problems, just keep, keeping on. What other choices do they have? Try finding...
You mean to tell us that pos is still there?
We had gasohol (ethanol) in the 1960's in the midwest - under LBJ then Nixon admins. Same 10% as now didn't do much damage. No warranties were...
Adapt or get out of the way for someone more enterprising.
Truck stops all have dedicated pumps for DEF. Just as you bought fuel for your trip to St Louis in barrels from a distributor. Larger marinas...
While you guys are worrying about Tier IV, the EU and Cummins are working on Tier V. It will probably not happen in the USofA, but the EU is...
It's still a good ole lobsta boat
DEF is 32.5% urea and 67.5% deionized water. You can't use cow or human in it - not strong enough. Temperature is also a concern with storage of...
Oh, no cruise ships will have to converted as well. That was one of the sticking points with Commission. There were three new LNG cruise ships...
Eventually the greenies will have that lowered to cover anything longer than 20ft
Sorta old news. IMO2020 info has been available for sometime (like 2005). It's for the reduction of sulphur in bunker and diesel fuels....
Lobster boat
Unless he brags about it on FB, he won't get caught.
Good letter, but it won't do any good. Trudeau govt is steadfast in the direction they are heading. Recreational boat owners are NON ESSENTIAL....
Don't worry about the boater going west. The locks will be back open in November. I've taken boats down as late as December.
When was the last time you locked down the Illinois in February? Those pusher boats are not equipped as icebreakers.