Heard a new strangle rattle when the CAT tech was over. I couldn't pinpoint the source but he was able to. One of the forward fuel tank L...
Our Post has two 30 year old CruisAir AC systems with ancient DSA (similar to the 3 knob) controls. The fan speed control on both has been in-op...
Cool. Ill have to look them up. Thanks
Thanks. I need to file that for the future "just in case" mine die of old age. I've been looking at replacing the control for the stateroom...
Our 43 has similar gap, accessed through a removable panel on the shelf at the top of the headboard. Just curious, where did you plumb in cooling...
AC units are one above the other in engine room. Water heater is seen off to stbd. Fwd air handler location barely visible in the pic (don't...
Yes, Yes and possibly. I don't know any history of the boat before the prior owner (who did re-engine), he only had the boat for 3 years.
Our 43 has holding tank under guest lower bunk. 31 gallons. Our forward AC compressor is in engine room. Air hander above master cabin fwd...