It is glass lined (baked on ceramic) but it's also the only thing in the system that isn't copper or brass/bronze. The system holds pressure with...
Getting a random surge of rust/sediment on the hot water side. I've drained/flushed it a couple times with minimal impact.
Good idea for a handle, thanks.
Agree. This particular part number was ended in 2015 so I'm sure the unit is older than that. I changed 50 gallon home units when I was younger,...
Has anyone replaced the water heater on their 43? I'm sure I can easily remove the electric, upper tank support and lines. Can't find what the...
We had a marine synthetic flooring put in our Viking but I never liked it. I put in a bamboo faced, synthetic core, engineered floor but I don't...
I need to keep some of the hatches as they are the only entry to the engine room. I use the larger service hatches ocassionally as it is nicer...
Looking for real wood flooring for salon that isn't so heavy I can't open the engine service hatches by myself. The rest of the boat has 3/8"...
Looks like our Solomons visit for this season will be the Post reunion in August.
Buck Algonquin on eastern shore (Stevensville) is now, select Recreational. Phone is 410-643-7145
Are you able to thread in the standard marina pump out fittings? Our Viking had european fittings (Vetus?) that would not accept the tyical...
Close cousin :) What year? Our's is '89 We usually visit Solomons by boat sometime during the season.
Thanks. I have no reference for how many hulls Post built over the years to guess if they were sequence numbers by model or overall.
The last link confirms what I guessed for where the hull number was. Mine is 43078. I'd still like to know if the seq digits, 78, are just for...
Where in the HIN is the hull sequence number? Are hulls sequential or sequential by mode/size?
The 1000 Hr on my 500 HP CATS was $4500. I'm sure the engines in a 58 Viking are a good bit more. FYI the 43 Post cruises 24 kts at 70% load...
I wish I hadn't added it up but was curious since you raised the question. We have an older (1989) 43 Post but with newer (now 5 years old) CAT...
Main body looks more bronze, machined surfaces on end fitting more brass. It was already installed and never questioned it. Does say it is lead...
I changed the tank plumbing. Here is the simplified version. [ATTACH] I 'think', based on a copy of a 43 Post manual water system illustration,...
I would like a copy very much. Sending PM.