Blue Moon II has been in Milwaukee a few times but New Moon II calls Milwaukee home for the summer. In the winter she goes south....
Does anyone know when New Moon II will be arriving in Milwaukee? Another website had pictures of her at Welland Canal Lock 1 in the past few days.
Does anyone know when the next yacht will be ready for launch? I'd like to go and see another one launched. Regarding the size she is a 120. I...
There will be a fourth since when I was at PJ they had moved a top section and bottom section out of the building. Not sure what they were doing...
The last picture. Hope you enjoyed them.
The start of the cleaning
Tied up to the dock. I should have followed it through the bridge since they had some fun turning the yacht around. Shortly after the bridge in...
Cleared from the dock
Being pulled out from the dry dock wall.
Last photo for now due to have to go to B-day party but once she was free from the straps the tugs came to pull her back to the dock area.
She is now in the water, no tension on the straps and they are removing the straps. Sorry for the bad view but this was the best I could do. My...
Now spun all the way and being lowered to the water.
Once they cleared the dry dock area and were over open water they spun Izumi so she was sidways up against the edge of the dry dock.
I'm not sure how to get a space between the pictures so I will post 1 at a time. Here is more of a stern view.
I couldn't figure out what is hanging from the bottom of the straps. For a moment I thought they were using straps that were worn out and tearing...
Close up of the straps and also the props
How would you like to have the view from the crane?
Wednesday night we arrived in Sturgeon Bay WI and drove past PJ and Bay Ship. Not a lot of action seen at PJ since all of the doors were closed....
This past weekend I noticed this yacht tucked up in the marina. I haven't seen this yacht before and if Milwaukee was it's home port I'm sure I...
Thanks for the detailed description. It's a very nice read.