Interesting read!!!
Season 2 starts tonight, maybe someone can check it out as the yacht plays a central role as the bug-out vehicle.....
A yacht has been introduced into the (great) Fear The Walking Dead series....Can anyone identify it?...
What about 000 grade steel wool followed by wax? Crazy?
There is no top notch healthcare in Cuba. Their stats are entirely self-reported and therefore suspect. Orthopod friend just got back from...
Friend of mine sent me a link for a new product that allegedly makes bird droppings a concern of the past.....I am trying to get some and will...
Not that I read Star magazine or anything, but some beautiful boats here (especially Tom Hanks)........
Lots of memories from this thread as I paid my way through college detailing yachts. Key things from my experience: -Makita buffer is a must,...
Great blog on this ridiculous story...
The arrogance of the heart of man that something as immutably chaotic as weather is now both understood, long-term future understood AND...
He's clearly returning, and red is on the it should be.
I agree with everything you said, except for the politician/money-driven conclusion that CO2 is a 'pollutant'. Only in a power-driven insane...
Owners of 3/4 ton diesel trucks have figured a way to change mixture rates via a pushbutton controller. On command, the equivalent of the Smoke...
An ironing board figurehead would have really brought these thematic elements together........
Just reading this story caused my neck to snap backwards in disbelief, only to now suffer insomnia and chronic headaches. Any advice as I...
Thanks so much for the assistance!
Saw this in Hollywood on the ICW the other day....what is it? While I'm at it....How do I rotate the pictures on this site? I uploaded in both...
The designation of "Ice Class" is interesting.....what does that mean?