it's an app I bought from Navionics trough the app store. It's stored on my phone's memory card and uses the internal GPS antenna. I bought the SE...
"A small gap was seen in the trailing edge at the joint between the hull and keel. This gap disappeared when the vessel was set on her keel and no...
The Navionics chart plotter app on my android does have this function.
:) All true. It's just the feeling I have. The ratio of boat in the water vs. boat above the water in case of a planing powerboat just doesn't...
For some reason I never feel save on board a powerboat in moderate swell and above. I know and understand sailing boats and know that the keel...
Thanks Bill106! No mention in Gerr's book about them...
It's a boat, not a DeLorean.
Spotted these props on a twin prop cruiser yesterday. The props seem to have some sort of anti-singing strip attached to them. Can anyone tell...
It's not always cheaper to build in China. Just learned that one builder is moving out of China and into South Africa because China is more...
Anyone here knows whether there's a product that can be applied to underwater lights and camera's to prevent the lenses from fouling?
When we had new boats arriving build in poly-ester we would sand the bottom gelcoat back and apply 2 coats of epoxy. (Don't remember the brand, it...
A calming collar... I need one for my long haul flights in cattle class.
In Hong Kong the foreign captain of a foreign vessel can drive his boat to marina or anchorage at arrival from foreign waters. He is however not...
Reading posts works fine on my android but posting is a nightmare.
What about this guy? Hungarian sailing around the world in a tiny yacht at Yacht Haven Marina - YouTube
Why would you want to have that so close to the waterline?
I was in a yard today and spotted a strange looking part on a the hull of a boat there. I have no idea what it can be. Does anyone know?
I don't think so. I've seen them exactly as in this youtube clip: Solar panels recessed in the roof...
In contrary to the article the Albatross is not in use as pictured. They use this ferry but with solar panels installed flat on top of the roof. I...
No, sorry I was completely mis-informed. Boat is undergoing repairs at a (different) yard. Word goes around that the sinking is caused by her...