I just changed the oil on my Mercruiser 7.4 and there is no oil pressure showing on the gauge. Where is the sending unit located ? I have...
While trouble shooting why my new Nova Kool 12 volt fride won't operste properly, I have discovered that I only have 11.4 volts coming from my...
I think just coincidence......about 4 years ago it seemed a week didn't ge by without a grounded ship somewhere on the St. Lawrence. Water levels...
The latest report has the Juno taking on water and listing towards port.
I've been through a boat fire and it ain't fun that's for sure. I had a rail mounted BBQ previously, but the problem with them is...
Heh, heh, heh.........Most of the time the BBQ will be onshore, the times we will be at anchor if it's just a bit choppy I'll put it back in the...
Thank you, I don't have the software to change sizes etc.
I have a 1989 Carver 3607 with the hardtop aft deck and my wife is insisting I move the BBQ somewhere else than the aft deck. I've thought about...
Millions won't believe him...............................but I do.
As much as one can enjoy anchor line.......................heh, heh, heh
Picked up the line on Saturday and all is fine. Thank you Dag
My father once told me that there are only 2 kinds of knots, the one that doesn't work and the one that does. Pretty simple I thought.
I am pleased with the deal
Yea.......it's kind of funny sometimes to see how different boats are tied up when it's not a basic cleat. At one of our public docks there are...
Post the dimensions and a picture of what you're looking for and maybe we could get lucky.
That was Fed Ex ground, but I think it was an overnight quote.
Hmmmmmm wow, it costs more to ship than it's worth. But thank you for allowing me to check it out. BTW $1000+
Okay, let me check into it.
13667 It may take some spirits to get you going on it......LOL
Figure out the shipping and I c ould very well take the deal. All you need to do is buy/build a crate and ship it ground.....easy.