Any links to that study? Maybe I can use it to show my boss that I'm definitely going to need the summer off. :rolleyes: :D
It really depends on what type of boat you have and where you want to locate these fishboxes. As far as preventing dripping, my insulated boxes...
Eliminate some feet on that overhanging flying bridge and scrap that Shark Fin arch and you have yourself a nice looking yacht.
I'd buy one of those boats just simply for the fact that someone took the time to lay out blue LED lights underneath the bow. That's awesome...
CaptTom, Just wanted to thank you for the awesome pics. After being teased up here with 65 degree weather for a few days we got dumped on...
That sink design in the head is awesome...never seen that in a marine application before. Beautiful ride. Good luck!!!
Ahh...excellent. Saves me a trip to Best Buy. :) Here's another link to pictures and the full story.
Anybody having trouble with that link or is it just my ****box computer?
:rolleyes: :)
Thanks for the shots Neil!!! Here I am thinking it's warm up here (55). Those shots bring me back to reality :(
What kind of PDA is it? Depending on the model it might have an autoupdate setting attached to the time that could be giving you your problems...
I actually lost power for about an hour early Sunday morning around 4am. I was fearing the worst. Turns out it resulted from a disagreement...
On second thought...anything 115' that can cut a turn like that above is okay with me :D
The Jetson's look isn't bad at all. It's that color.....
The Internet is a wonderful resource tool. All those misspent days in the college library surfing the web rather than doing my research papers......
Congrats are definitely in order Carl. Keep up the good work and big things will happen. When I move down to Ft. Lauderdale after this summer...
Sea Eric beat me to it with the news article but here's a link to the manufacturer. Crompton Marine (halfway to a senior member ;))
LOL :D That's absolutely insane. Where did you find this picture Loren? Did you take it or did you stumble on it over the internet?
LOL I think there's a communication error here.....where's Medrascal to clear things up???
I do believe Coenharbour is correct. . .