Nope, simply saying that due to the stress's imposed on a boats power system that for me personally, I am as easy with throttles and clutches as I...
I only chop in an emergency. Otherwise, very easy going up and very easy coming down. HUGE amount of stress on those twisty things "props" under...
No no and H*** no. If your as familiar with diesels as you state, you already no your friends info is bad. Uber clean fuel and oil are the...
As OPCN said figures seem valid. Keep in mind however that a diesel engine is a very finicky beast. Everything effects fuel consumption. Marine...
Will do Ralph. Are you still having issues with the "goo" in your tanks? I have an idea on how to get it out. Give me a ring when you have a...
Hey Ralph, we will move more clothing, food etc. I have most of the tools on board already. I figure that with a full fuel load, she is about as...
I'm not sure about her cruising speed at 1950. I ran her at 1600 all the way back, with the exception of two wot runs and I was making 15 knots at...
Put her back in the water on Dec. 4th. She ran great no real issues on the 4 hour run back to Port St. Joe. Took 2 inches out of the props. She is...
Atlantic crossing in a 50' Sea Ray?????? Buy lots and lots of life insurance. INMHO.
I know of two 76' Browards, both on the hard at Millers Marine in South Port Fl. This is on the outskirts of Panama City. The word on the street...
Love the lines on a SF, and.................heck of a lot easier to board.
I love this thread. I guess I'm just too well grounded. We call our 55 Hatt, the boat and our motor home, The Bus. And the car is just, The Car.
Took delivery on Monday and promptly put her on the hard. Bottom job, recondition the props an shafts, install new sounder, name and buff out the...
Yep, I will surely not miss the Bertram engine room. Anyone know of a phone App that provides up to date marina fuel prices??
Nothing in particular. I only sold my Bert because someone made me an offer I couldn't say no to. So far, here are some of the differences I have...
Update. Couple of delays have pushed closing day to the 16th or 17th of Nov. Surveys are all checking out good. Insurance is all set. So we are...
I' thinking the slings slid forward when the pier collapsed. Whatever happened it was a definite, Rut Row.
A SPACIOUS engine room is something of true beauty.
The first "large" boat I owned back in the dark ages had plain old threaded screw clamps on everything in the machine spaces except for one T Bolt...
Best clamps you can purchase. I have nothing else on my exhaust systems.