No, Was going to pull the plug on each side and drain out the gunk. You going to be around Saturday? We are going over to Lambs for a meeting and...
I love my 1271's and you'll hear pros and cons on both 71's and 92's. Best advice, listen to Ralph Crapps. IMHO Ralph is the expert on the subject.
Anyone have a picture showing the location of the air box drain plug on a DD12v71TI? I know there are likely dozens of pictures in here. But...
I had a Bertram 54' convertible with 12v71TI's in her. She ran like a top. I forget the HP exactly, but I think they were 950hp. She would do...
As a last follow up to this. We have decided to take the "path of sanity" and sell ours in the spring. Then find another. Thanks for all the...
The test strips is a great idea and I'll get some this week. I can afford to have two boats, just don't want to. As for the cold start and smoke....
I've had good luck with On Off. Just don't breath the mist.
Oh, forgot to add that we decided to not look at the boat with the overhauled motors. Word on the street was that she was REAL rough and has been...
We drove down a took a look today. Very nice boat and the engine hours are not original. Rather since they were majored. No smoke on start, ZF...
We are driving down in the morning "Saturday" to see the boat with 1200 hours on her. I know she has had light use and the owner has all the...
Currently own a 55' Hatt SF with 12v71's. Love em!! Most problems have been a result of my learning curve. At age 63 I have decided to marry again...
And all it takes is the tiniest of leaks and you got the sewer smell goin on. Many things such as a broken clamp or bad hose will cause it. So...
I have all Garmin radios, depth and plotters on my boat. I do have an 600AIS and works great. Data is displayed on my screen.
I suggest you call Donzi. Give them your hull number and they will be able to answer all your questions..
I have a galley down on my 55' SF Hatt. Makes for a really great salon. I love it. You should have little trouble locating an older 43' SF in...
Ralph at our age we have to take whatever will take us. Be it 30 year olds or 70 year olds. LOL
I have a I have double door full size fridg on my boat. When underway I keep the doors shut with a simple plastic lock used to keep babies out...
Call the GPS store. They are very knowledgeable and helpful.
Great idea about putting the gauge in after the secondary.
Thanks for the link.