As I have stated in a couple of earlier posts the wife and I are trying to finalize the purchase of a very nice 1984 50' Kha Shing CPMY. An...
I heard Jerry Springer was going to be the referee...ehrr, host.
Picking At Nits I understand the "Can you" question. Even though I "Can" grill on my boat I "can't" in my marina. Or "not allowed" if I were to...
I think it also depends on where you are. My home marina does not allow ANY open flame grilling in the marina. If you want to grill it has to be...
Very cool but should be expanded. This is a story that needs to be told to a broader audience.
As always, great info. Thanks.
As I stated in a couple of prior threads I am close to closing on a 1984 50' Kha Shing CPMY. The surveyor discovered the Halon bottle in the...
Thanks for all the comments guys. The negotiations begin today.
Great advice. We will have a 4 hour ride from Alameda, CA to our marina in the Delta. There will be about 300 gals of fuel on board (half full),...
Thanks RT. These are the 375 hp TAs. The CAT site shows WOT as 2800 RPM. We are planning to ask for an allowance after we get quotes for...
Trace amounts of glycol. I will get the serial numbers and call CAT. There are several layers of bottom paint but we are moving it from salt...
Thanks for all of the quick replies. More info: The engines have 2000 hours. A mechanical survey was done with nothing mentioned about RPMs...
I am in the final process of buying a 1984 50' Kha Shing CPMY. during the sea trial the boat at WOT got to 2650 RPMs as stated on digital tachs....
The Saga - Part II Again, thanks to everyone for their advice. Unfortunatey, things have not worked out with this purchase. The engine survey...
Thanks Cap't. The engine survey was done this week and I will have it and the oil analysis by Friday. Hull survey is next week. If all goes...
RER- It is a flybridge with Isinglas. I don't like the cold either. We did the seatrial in LB last week and the weather was beautiful. I...
Thanks for the feedback Guys. The Magic Seaweed site is great. I will be using that. I was figuring I would have to wait until late March or...
I am finishing up the purchase of a 1988 51' Symbol Yachtfish with 375 hp 3208 Cats. The boat is in Long Beach and I need to move it to San...
Hi All. Just joined this evening. I've been a member of other boating forums and have always enjoyed the spirited discussions. I have just...