Hope it is attached. Mod edit: Oversize pic removed. Do you really need a 23 meg, 3200 pixel image to show a switch?
Any idea where to get the small rotary dimmer pots used by OCEAN for the overhead LED lights?
Do I need to remove the TV in the salon to gain access to wherever the plug/outlet might be that it plugs into?
I am trying to trace some wires on the bridge for the electronics. I can't seem to gain access to the area under starboard side on the bridge...
Prior owner identified location of fresh water pump. Under carpet in hatch in master stateroom closet. Go figure.
AC water pump fixed. Bad triac and a bad relay. On to the Cat issues and code 723 failure speed sensor 2.
Thanks. I found the hot water heater under the master bunk. Still looking for the fresh water pump. As for the manual, I have it. I find it to be...
I need to check for the fresh water pump. I do know the vacuflush pumps are under the middle stateroom bunk.
A couple more questions. I really appreciate the help. First, where is the fresh water pump located? Where is the hot water tank located? Also, I...
Thanks so much. Just to be clear, I can shut off the pump by turning of the breaker labeled AC Pump. I hope to have it fixed this week.
The pump can be shut off by the AC pump breaker. The problem is that it should not be running at all when the breakers to the AC units are off....
Another issue. My AC pump runs even when breakers to all of my AC units are off. Any ideas? Perhaps a bad triac?
I imagine that is not a diy project. Need a CAT guy? If so, any recommendations on Long Island. H.O. Penn seems to be the only game in town?
I just took delivery of a boat with a pair of 3406e Cats, vintage 2001. On the delivery, one engine kept throwing an over speed number 2 sensor...
Thanks. That may be the best place to start. Is there any way to tell whether it is the ram or the head?
Just took delivery. I am having a real problem with spongy steering. The fluid level appears to be full. Is there any way to tell whether it is in...
Thanks. At sea trial yesterday, port fuel gauge showed empty and starboard fuel gauge showed half full. Not too sure what that means as far as...
I still have a question about filling the fuel tanks. I have read the prior posts. When filling each saddle tank from the deck fill, do I assume...