Hi Rick. Welcome to YF! First, what age is the Alaska?
Guys, you are being trolled. Every post he has made has a single *deliberate* spelling error. It's not accidental. Delete the thread and move on.
And dress warm. :D
Yeah it's not uncommon particularly while running on the plane. I wondered whether you could put deflector shields up across the transom, but of...
Can't help other than noticing that people over here give significant caution to Samatran pirates.
There are plenty of people wanting to charge you for the passage. If only it weren't for that darned Australian Navy. :D:D:D
May we ask what sort of boat you are looking at?
Thanks AMG!
Bit of stretch with this one. Can anyone recommend a Yacht Surveyor in Sweden to inspect a Fleming 65? Preferably around Gothenburg. Many...
I have faded on the idea of an Offshore. Nice boat but just not working for me. Also I worry about them rolling in big seas and at anchor. I...
Thanks CaptJ, you beat me to it (I've been distracted boat shopping) ... yes we do 7.5 knots in idle, so yes I go through tight passages even...
Jees people. I make a well earned comment about upgrading the inherent reliability of equipment and next thing you're all over me for poor...
Sat Compass Furuno SC30 or SC50 Satellite Compass. Uses multiple satellite receivers to calculate heading. Fast, accurate and reliable. And...
Thanks Thanks CaptJ!
Hi All Taking a big leap from a (lovely) Hatteras Sportsfish to a semi-displacement and looking at a latish model Offshore 72. Any feedback...
Thanks very much CaptJ. Excellent feedback. Any other comments on the Offshore 72, while we're at it?
Hi All Considering a change away from a Sportfish to a "semi-displacement" and looking at an Offshore 72. Can anyone please shine any...
I watched some kids drop anchor on their father's boat one afternoon. Backed down hard. Nice and set. They set up camp on the beach and...
I wouldn't do anything with an anchor hard. Well, at least I have twice, and I have the invoices to prove it. :roll eyes: Yes you can ease down...
Oh the misspellings, bad grammar, dodgy punctuation are done deliberately to reduce the scammers' work flow. "Nigerian scam letters include...