Last Ones Even the little guys get to participate in this event . . .
A Few More Pictures Nice view of the Broward County Jail in the background :)
A Few Pictures I wasn't planning on posting these but, since none of our usual pros made to the parade I will share a few from my point and shoot...
The numbers speak for themselves. Almost without exception, our members here at YF appreciate that you, and your most capable mods, run this with...
Regrettably, due to a death in the family of the guests, the holiday charter I was scheduled to run for the next 2 weeks has been suddenly...
And Thank YOU Commander Antrim for your most distinguished service!! ROCKY
Nice Job!! WOW! Totally OWNED in a matter of minutes by the ever-vigilant admins at YachtForums. SPAMMERS BEWARE!! :)
At $60,000 for the week (base) you are likely to have more than 2-3 crew to split up the gratuity. A VERY GENERAL rule re charters is allow about...
Slideshow of the Loading Process The Dockwise folks have a neat slideshow showing the process on their website here:...
WOW! I thought I took good notes. Nice job Pascal. ROCKY
Roflmao ****! I am literally crying from laughing so hard. :D No matter how many times I see it, that one NEVER gets old! Thanks for...
Unfortunately, that was only part of the grand plan. He was also caught red-handed shrink wrapping a stolen boat (not one he had taken on...
ST. PETERSBURG — The owner of a boat and yacht brokerage company and another man were arrested on grand theft charges after authorities said they...
:) We need to meet up!
Legit I Think I'm guessing not photochopped. Have a look at the water line on the "tower" next to it. It appears that they could have ALMOST...
Lucky to Have Them on Carl, Basically ditto on the above. While I haven't visited him recently as you have, he has never...
14 YearOld Girl Wants to Attempt Solo Circumnavigation Just when it appeared that the brouhaha over teenage solo circumnavigators might die down,...
Barge Running Against Current If the Duck was indeed at anchor as was reported then the barge was going upstream as it ran over it from the...
Tiger Gets to Keep Privacy (the yacht, that is) Let’s hope Tiger Woods wins the PGA Tour’s AT&T National this week – you can bet on that...
Shhh. Secret Chart Revealed . . . Well, of course . . . if you want to break out the "SECRET" charts! ;)