Just tried the Rain-X for plastic for the first time on our newest 37 express I delivered to the vineyard last week with an acrylic enclosure...
Most of the newer Garmin MFD's will interface and share data with the 4212 via NMEA 2000 and Garmin Marine Network (Ethernet) connections and...
The Reactor was designed for their Smart Pump and performs best with it but you should still be able to get acceptable performance with the Ray...
Just brought a boat to Beaufort from Staten Island via Oregon inlet and the Pamlico sound last week. Shallowest I saw was 10' at the little zig in...
A lot depends on the experience of the mechanic doing the work. Around these parts the number of what I would call good Detroit mechanics is...
While the C32 and C32 ACCERT look similar and share the same displacement they are completely different blocks, the "plain" C32 did indeed use the...
I just had a discussion on this very topic yesterday with our local machinist who has done a LOT of shafting for a bunch of builders over the last...
That may be changing Capt J, I've replaced a couple sets of aluminum diesel tanks in the last two years on boats that were less than ten years...
Yes Chris, it's an Avalanche, had one of those old guy's brain fade moments! When I finally noticed it the edit function had timed out.
I really like my Suburban and have since she was new in 2005. It's got 290,000 on the odometer now and nothing but normal maintenance. She's...
Even more important, make absolutely sure the stop solenoid is engaged when you bar it over! More than one has accidentally started with a breaker...
There are many different methods and choosing the best one depends on location and severity of the intrusion. Heat, dehumidifiers, vacuum, and...
There shouldn't be any maintenance differences between the two but the black will show everything, water spots especially but also ANY unfairness...
Yes it will work just fine with the 740S and will overlay contacts on both the radar and charts (I'm a Garmin dealer). If you're in high AIS...
Actually you just confirmed my worst case assessment, complete gel coat removal. Viking (and Post) did indeed perform complete gelcoat removal on...
It's all in the napkins we draw them out on! You're going to have to come pick her up Capt J, I'm going to have to go to Africa to put the 41...
From my small view of the boating marketplace I think going after the mid size is a smart play for both Bertram and Viking. It offers an entry...
Milling out stock to match the profile of your rub rail is not too big of a job and rough stock is pretty easily sourced. A picture would be very...
After going back and reading your initial post I think I see why you aren't getting an enthusiastic response to your RFQ's. What you're asking for...
Which model do you have? The most common model (at least what I've seen), the Atlantes has an internal vent cap that for downhill discharge...