I'm down at Riverview in Ashlandycity waiting for Cedar Creek to get slips done. The Corp was wanting me to get a slip and I need to do a few...
I moved my boat off the bank today to a temp slip waiting for a marina that is building all new slips to get built out. It has been a long...
marine survey marine survey marine survey marine survey marine survey
Two feet
I have a lot of teak and it a pain in the butt. I have came a long ways in stopping leaks but there always seams to be another one come up. I...
That would make one big mess cutting her up.
Engine Runs On Liquid Air : Discovery News
You might look at this http://www.1800jonesact.com/maritime_statutes/default.html Merchant Marine Act of 1920 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think I am done after this one. I would love to see some photos and what size is it.
I found these photos when I was starting to work on the mast but the scaffolding was only two high I had to raise it to three high. I tried to...
I decided to just modify and use the original mast. I will get some photos soon. I don't think I came across how big and tall this is. I had to...
Still working on the boat News Years Eve downtown Nashville TN, [IMG]
I met someone at a marina that he and his wife had been all over the world in a 36 foot sail boat. and then there is this story. and I think there...
I'm a bit stumped on how big to make the mast and what kind so that's where you guy's come in. I want to here what you think. [img][img]
Most of what we have up here is mud. The fortress seams to do very well and has been most of what I have had on my other boats, but not that I...
It seams when we need some things for our larger boats 90+ they can be hard to find in a retail store. My boat has older anchors one is a 500lb....
All is true on all of you but all we have in Nashville is West Marine and a few camping stores. But I do have the WWW. anytime I need it and I...
I know all the toys in the new store are to draw you in and as all retail store they will push the better money makers more. Dam them trying to...
In the fact this is my sixth boat the one thing I have learned is buying things for your boat will not fix it, working on it will. If at any time...
Yesterday I finish all the cabinet doors for the upper cabinets and most of the doors for the lower ones. My girlfriend came by today and ask why...