Where are you finding e90? You mean e10? As in 10% ethanol? I don't like that stuff in the least, and the e15 is even worse. E85 is 85% ethanol...
It is not just racers, there are literally thousands in dfw alone that run high performance daily drivers on e85. It may still be a niche fuel,...
Kevin, Not from the factory, but it's become a hot item in the performance industry. I have personally tuned over 300 daily drivers for it in my...
Even flex fuel vehicles aren't properly set up to take advantage of e85. They can limp around on it, but are in no way tuned to use the high...
Had you paid attention you would have seen that I have answered that question several times. There is no push to make e85 mandatory. We don't...
They won't just replace current fuels with e85. Why? Because a vehicle would have converted to run it, not like the lower ethanol blends that are...
I don't think the politicians care about anything other than getting votes. The EPA restricts manufacturers from getting the things right with bs...
AMG, for me it has nothing to do with being green. It is a cheap, readily available performance fuel. I first got into it in the late 90's looking...
Capt J, maintenance only becomes a factor if high rpm are involved. I build and use e85 with fuel injected engines, all I have worked with are...
This is a myth, or only applicable on flex fuel engines. Try running c16 race fuel in a flex fuel vehicle, it will lose even more fuel mileage. It...
They aren't trying to mandate e85 yet, but in some places it is avalible at the pump. Although I am not fond of the lower ethanol blends, e85 is...
Neo, I think you need to find a builder who is trustworthy, and tell them what you want. Let them use the methods they are familiar with. Their...
Half of the problem is the fact that they will run on e85 or regular fuel. To properly use e85, you need to be over 12.5-1 compression, although...
The automotive industry saw ethanol fuels coming and were ready for it. Seals, gaskets and lines were updated to take the ethanol years before it...
I agree Marmot, why did they all stay with the ship? Ignorant or brainwashed into thinking taking on thousands of gallons of water a day was...
I think the captain was desperate. The company's major asset was the ship, and it was falling apart. The little money they made, plus donations...
I like ethanol and e-blend fuels. But, to be run on it, an engine and fuel system needs to be set up for it. Not just able to run on it, but...
Lmao, now I feel psychic. I was hinting that the cost of your helicopters was probably similar to the cost of a decent yacht. Unless things have...
Nice heli's. I can fly the real thing, but those are tricky. I'm sure those are way more responsive than my cheapie 400 was. In this market, are...
I thought it floated on its side. Doesn't that mean it capsized but didn't sink? What kind of drugs are those people on? I wonder how long before...