Agreed...but wife wants a swim platform for swimming, ease of getting on kayaks and future dink....and I can probably use the original holes from...
I actually did check with butler marine..$2100 plus ss brackets and shipping..10ft x 24 inches...cheaper than everyone else by far...looking at a...
Thought about all those issues except the stern light...missed that one...good call!
Well beyond my capabilities and shed size
Looking for a swim platform for our 1984 46ss....we are hauling out this winter for a bottom job and wanted to install one so we can put a tender...
You can have it all if one ever makes it on the deck!! Promise
Napa is still my friend!
OMG...point made sir!
Thanks for all the advice and experiences
What do you use down south to keep algae from growing in your diesel fuel tank? Biobor, CRC, other?
I bought some and used it...did a decent job I must admit!!
Out of curiosity, do you have a light/radar/horns on the front of your bridge? I saw an older OY that had a leak there and it ran down the bridge...
Have the front windows been removed? That will help tremendously when redesigning a new console
Mine was redone also...sorry I couldnt offer more help
Galley down he mentioned...below the rubrail... I have the exact same leak and found the water running down the inside of the hull from the...
Thanks for the tips
I prefer the DIY for the learning curve aspect of it gives you more knowledge about your own boat and how it is put together
look at that shine!