Lol... a job for when it cools down..too hot right now not to run it when it
All good info to ponder..thank you all!
Cant pull dump cans and I cant fit an endoscope down there unfortunately to look...those suckers are locked onto the rubber exhaust tight!!...
Diver coming Thursday
Was just down there tonight... looked down the seacock and could.see light from the outside coming thru the screen..water coming in also
Boat was fine a few weeks ago when gulf was mid that it hit 90, same issue as last summer
Someone mentioned thinning the 50/50 coolant to 70/30 with purified water? Thoughts?
New raw hoses sir as you directed last time...I will endoscope the dump cans this week...
Roger...dont thinks screens have been pulled by a diver
How do you get behind the screens? No sea strainer tank btw
New raw water hoses this year, heat exchangers boiled out in spring, new impeller, oil cooler above shaft acid cleaned with barnacle buster, new...
The tank is cast... the h/e are brass or.something like that
I appreciate everyone's input
I lost the info for the boost coolers...i am overheating again with these warm gulf temps
Good morning dreaded overheating issues have resurfaced while at speed...long slow creep for a mile or 2 before I have to pull them back...
Thanks...20 ft wont cut it...will have to put the waste tank under the bed then
Thanks for all the information and thoughts...i truly appreciate it
Good guy...I enjoyed talking to him...very informative
That could be pricey...have to cut holes in the ceiling and bridge to get old unit out a new one in...different foot prints
How far can you run a line from the head to a holding tank? Just curious for a winter project that I need to take care of before I have an...