A friend of mine had a muskrat climb up the exhaust and eat his way through the engine room. there was 200k in damage. After that they installed...
I don't know if this will help or not, but on the 53 carver I run, there is a dial that you select which power source gets displayed. It has...
From what I have heard so far, this is not yet set to be used to replace all I/O's but it is aiming to take some companies such as Glastron,...
I got one about 3 years ago for a BP 1200 from Bristol Marine (905) 891-3777. I doubt they have any, but you never know.
I would not be that concerned based on 50 hours a season. I hate to say it, but with work and life, if my boat sees 50 hours a season that is...
It always says somewhere sunny.
I am no expert by any means, but I know they can throttle the n2 and they use a trailer break set up to stop the driveline to switch gears.
Turbine marine put turbines in "pleasure" boats all the time. They do not require variable pitch props to adjust speed.
This already exists. It is called Tres Martin Performance Boat school. Many insurance companies do require classes, and some manufacturers even...
I think a lot of it has to do with past ownership and your relationship with the broker. I have a dock neighbor who has in the past decade gone...
How would an anchor snubber or bridle work on something like venus with the anchors so far back? Would you have a long enough snubber to go under...
It is simply where the yacht is registered. Rarely do they actually ever go there. I believe it is called a flag of convenience.
When I started all I had was my STCW. I took it at MPT in Lauderdale. However, the more skills and certifications you have the better. Advanced...
On a 2000 53 voyager, you hold the switch up to start then release it. Down to shut the generator off.
While I have no use for one personally, that things looks amazing.
Cigarette just debuted a center console stern drive at the Key west poker run. Intrepid makes them, Spectre, and I am sure Statement and Nor-Tech...
I have no experience with the Sea Ray, however I have run a 2000 53 Voyager for 6 years. It is not a rough water boat. It rolls a lot in a...
If you are ready to start right away, move to Ft Lauderdale. The boat show has just ended and there will be some jobs available before boats...
The one I run has an extended swim platform on it. With that it is inches under 60ft. I would say realistically overall the 53 is actually 54ft...
Miss Geico currently is racing a 50ft Victory with Mercury 1650's. Their previous (most recent) boat was a 50ft Mystic with turbines that burned...