First thought would be to crack open the sea chest while under way and note water flow, then repeat at rest looking for a large delta between both...
From company home page: The incredible journey of the “Eemslift Hendrika”, When I started my company “Starclass Yacht Transport” in 1987, I was...
Don't have a dog in this fight, but an interesting boat. https://www.**************/boats/197...uiser-3800786/
Yard completing repairs with dealer looking over shoulder, will post final results when work completed.
A friend has his boat in yard for service on the hard. Afterward, yard personnel splashed boat and delivered back into slip (approx 2 miles)....
From a scientific perspective, we have a “easy” epidemiological opportunity. Florida has dropped many barriers and “opened” with respect to...
The 75 page paper I attempted to download explains that oil is oil (more or less). However, the “additives” are key, making a profound difference...
I’m attempting to download a technical paper 1.5 MB PDF (Engineering Test Results) on motor oils with no luck. Keep getting a note that file is...
J: Door frames are solid, no flexing. Interestingly, the doors deflect outward. The working theory is the doors were sandblasted last time they...
My boat (2002 75 Hatt CPMY) has aluminum Trend pilothouse doors. Since my ownership, I've been unable to get the doors to operate smoothly. In a...
I can’t recall the exact regulation number, but, the FAA would likely require a ***check ride. Under this provision, an airman is required to...
As a function of curiosity, I’ve tracked this boat Via AIS since deciding not to purchase after survey. So far, I’ve not seen the boat venture...
Adjusted for population, NY has a higher weekly death rate from Covid than Florida, Georgia and California (states I bothered to check)....
To say Covid is becoming political may be the mother of all understatements... With that in mind, in my opinion the most reliable statistic is...
Women is wrapping up annual GYN visit. Sheepishly, she asks doctor if she can ask a “personal” question that may be a bit embarrassing. Good...
As I read this thread, two thoughts come to mind. - In aviation, we’re taught to FLY THE PLANE. Point being, in an emergency, it’s easy to get...
Growing up around the Clearwater area (long - long ago), all the mullet skiffs used for deploying gill nets on the flats had a similar...
I’m primarily concerned with the internal components (cylinder walls, valves, turbos, etc...) of the engines. Via the exhaust tubes, the engine is...