I have all that stuff minus the tuner. I'm not confident that it works, all I could ever receiver was WW time tick. If interested pm me with an...
Nifty. Do you just want the head, as shown, or the head and antenna tuner? Fred
They are blinding to the other guy!
I did a similar search several years back and found a ultrasonic device such as this one,...
Trying the search option on this forum, someone else had a similar issue and it was discussed not that long ago. As I recall the advice given was...
I have one carbon filter on my boat located after the FW pump and it filters water to the entire vessel. It is a standard Home Depot size canister...
A friend of mine has a leaking stainless steel water tank in his boat and he lives with it. No problems in the 20 years that I have known him. I...
Great, more than willing to share.
The spec for dink states 695 rigged so I take that to mean with motor. I use my bow rail too much for stability during fishing and other foredeck...
I have a 1987 Ocean 44SS with an Avon Seasport 360 mounted on the deck with a Bower Davit. By the specs the Seasport is about 700 lbs. This dink...
Thanks guys, I got the answer I was looking for but always happy to further discuss engine performance.
Here is how I have been using the engine performance charts, correct me if I'm wrong. For example on a 450 HP J&T 6-71 at 1850 rpm, the charts...
I just got back from a fishing trip down to Mag Bay Mexico leaving from Newport Harbor. The boat I was a seventy foot Mikelson with 3412e Cats,...
If you run your yacht at 8kts or less you will get real close to 1 nautical mile per gallon. If you run slower than 8 you will achieve even better...
I'm in the same camp as olderboater and NYCAP123, Keep the tune that you have and run at lower RPMs. The commercial guys typically run their...
Try http://www.invasionautoproducts.com. I believe that is where I got mine. About $3xx for the exhaust housing.
I got mine off ebay.
Matt, thanks, do you know the weight of your boat, diameter and pitch of your props or boost pressure. I wish I could achieve your performance....
Yesterday I ran the boat to get fuel and these are my numbers at 2000 Rpms, 10 psi boost, 900 EGT, 20 kts. Filters are clean and bottom was...
Capt J: If a Detroit is over propped wouldn't you see black smoke? I do not see any black smoke even when trying to achieve rated wot RPM. Also...