Have to agree, it's a great cruise, why miss out on it?
From experience with my own boat and knowing many other Hatteras and boats-in-that-size-range owners, I'd say Capt J has come up with a good...
I used a 32v Orberdorfer on my old Hatt and it worked like a champ. I used to put the pails of new oil on top of the engines the night before and...
That doesn't look like a stabilizer fin to me to small, wrong angle; even yet from that angle does it doesn't look like it is beyond the hull...
API quit assigning CF2 ratings a few years ago, so any new formulations won't carry it. Use the tried and true or check with the refiner.
There are issues beyond that, to quote Detroit: "The ash residue is related to the oil's additive composition and is significant in predicting...
And I, and Detroit, disagree with that. It's the one oil spec for those 2 stroke engines they go out of their way to highlight. And the ash...
I always had an oil analysis every time I changed and got very good results. I, and Detroit, disagree with Kiwi, the factory service manual goes...
We too were full time liveaboards. As expected the Hatts are heavier boats, my 56MY being 74,000 "dry". (18'2" wide as well).
Thanks, I guess I wasn't aware of all the different variations of Super D, looks like D3 is the Cf2 flavor, so it would be helpful to others to...
Another one to consider, which I got great results from, is the NAPA 75118 if they still have it; some locations had to order it, others like the...
How much does your Bertram weigh? I would have guessed the Hatt would be heavier; shaving a little off my 56MY, I'd guess the Hatt 55SF at around...
The folks at Sam's Marine can probably look that up or direct you to the right person. On the other hand, it is usually best to actually measure...
If in a busy anchorage, you only want to deploy bow and stern if the other boats around you have done so as well. Otherwise you risk them...
Call Glendinning, they are extremely helpful and patient, no matter how old your rig is.
Depco still sells 32v Jabsco blowers. In my six years of full time living aboard and cruising my '81 56MY, converting away from 32 volt seems like...
We cruised and lived aboard the Hatteras 56my in my avatar, as our sole residence, for 6 years. It was extremely comfortable. You are mistaken...
No it's the 70 that was/is to be shown at FLIBS; they have been building it for awhile now and sending out photo updates. However I haven't seen...
We put an inverter and dedicated battery bank on our boat. So unless the weather was very hot or cold, we just ran the generator a couple hours...
You forgot Pluckebaum, really nice boats.