I watched the Nilo's pictures (very nice). Just a comment, some boats on the shots are not part of the show, like LIONHEART or CAPELLA C (hidden...
''Zeus'', colour : cream. The open is still in Monaco, and can be seen at Hercule pier, ''quai des Etat-Unis'' left side.
Yesterday, for the first time, I saw a Mangusta 165 at Hercule in Monaco, both fly and open, a beautiful boat indeed !
...Valence Grand Prix is on a circuit surrounded by commercial harbour and huge basins...a few yachts along fences...nothing compares to Monaco GP...
Great Britain in medieval times was known as the Mistress of the Seas. Shipping was very important especially during the reign of Queen Elisabeth...
I think it personifies the boat and makes her sensitive or capricious as a human being, a great honor for yachts indeed.
The terms of "she" to talk about yacht...or "sister-ship" as well....are used in the nautical vocabulary. Why ? :)
...any idea about "she" or "sister-ship" ?....NYCAP has showed us his...limits...
...hey ?!...what's wrong to-day... You are the navy intellectuel high-level "seƱor" member or what ?! I let you all night long for searching....
If your answers are questions...we'll never make it...pou pou pidou :rolleyes:
...hi hi hi :D ...this is a subjective explanation to the feminine "she" given to a boat. Stop dreaming. The meaning is historical, that's the...
..."they" didn't hit the rocks but "she" hit the rocks...it's high time you change your old translator :D...ciao :cool:
No need to use gougole translator. CAPTOM's contribution added to mine are enough to understand what happened ! :rolleyes:
Hello CaptTom, You are right, it's a pretty good summary. The boat was on the verge to sink, so the sea-rescue team advised the captain to...
Has anybody got some information about the wreckage of a yacht yesterday in Sanary sur mer (French Riviera, South of France) ? I saw a...
The problem is that a boat must not be anchored so close to the seaside whatever the weather forecasts or crew skills are. Local people don't stop...
...Pershing 80 ! :)
I watched the cycling Tour De France in Monaco on TV this afternoon...and you know what...I have seen S/Y INDEPENDANCE and M/Y SS DELPHINE...
I saw MADSUMMER last week along the main pier in Monaco Hercule. Really beautiful yacht with her very light blue hull (not shown on the picture),...