Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm starting to see through the fog a bit. I note that some of the German yards, & their bankers went...
Carinthia VII I've resolved that the moment I become a billionaire (well after a suitably long celebration anyway) I will set about trying to...
Assuming your 150 Pax suggestion. What would the "ballpark" build cost be on her? And, How would your cost estimate compare to the cost of...
She looks very elegant. How many PAX is she designed to accomodate?
Stephen, AMG, et al I've been messing around with a variety of spreadsheets on these questions. When I get a chance, I'll post a simplified...
....or maybe we are just experiencing a temporrary period of over-build that will not remain in balance. :confused: Other question. In...
Yes, but only for the money-does-matter segment. I've already acknowledged that there is most definietly a segment for whom economic...
I agree with your thoughts about the importance of quality service. There's lots of research arguing that its the only real source of sustainable...
Of course you are right that there is no price too high for the true lover of something. A fine cigar, bottle of wine, art, yacht, no...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject. I'm a slow learner so forgive me if I re-load. To use your "floating piece of art" anaolgy, I...
so if I understand you correctly, you'd agree that vessel pricing in the secondary market is generally too high to enable profitable charter...
Anyone have any knowledge of what sort of retrun on investment benchmark (%) charter yacht operators strive for? ie Does the segment have...
....but almost always known, non? ;)
Ah ....this must be the lovely Princess Tanya Any idea re her sale price?
Stephen, Montego 102 Design looks great:)
You can't leave us hanging like that... even if it's a fake please post :eek:
I forgot one thing. Sea Dream I & II look very similar in design to the former Sun Bay I & II (now Orion & Celebrity Expedition if I'mnot...
I appreciate reading your thoughts CrewAgency. I note that Cassens Werft has built some 100M cruise-yacht vessels fairly recent . Are you...
Thanks for that link. :) what do you think about the "cruise-yacht" business model?
M/V Bart Roberts was supposed to be at the show. Did you happen to see it? Thoughts? Noticed she has been SOLAS de-classed due to overdue...