If somebody gets hold of the elusive yard's personnel they might ask for me why they don't propose an explorer type yacht directly based on the...
I've never much appreciated the old fashioned ways and the whole handcrafted deal. To me passion and skill cannot replace organization, and...
That's a much more balanced and realistic assessment. I would put Riva and Wally at the top with San Lorenzo. Fincantieri could shorten their...
LOL And now it's clear to everybody that your opinion of Italian yachts is based on anti-Italian prejudice. :D Don't trust Capt J on...
...These are reasons Azimut gets the bad publicity that they've earned for products and service (in the USA).
The point that hopefully is getting through is that Italian yacht production is more heterogeneous than that of other countries in size, types and...
None AFAIK Military experienced are: Baglietto, Italcraft (fast patrols) and Intermarine (minehunters). The major military vessels are all built...
I never said anything different. The aviation analogy was saying the same thing. My involvement here is in opposition to the view being put...
I think here the term "quality" is being used in too a broad sense. To me it refers to things not performing as intended. Anything misaligned or...
Mangustas probably are a step below ISA, AB, Leopard. I really don't think I have a particular nationalistic fervor; I don't care about any yard...
I'm painfully aware of the market situation for those lovely, gas guzzling, fast cruisers. The pain coming from not being a buyer for now; I'll...
One yacht I like is the triple jet ISA 120. Hull 11, delivery next year is on sale as are two or three used ones. Three of them charter for...
Allright! That is interesting and would also explain the apparent discrepancy I pointed out. Azimuts and Ferrettis feature questionable...
Oooh some here can't take a joke :) All I know is that I read of continued sales of yachts from Italian yards many to repeat customers as I'm...
It's another one of those Italian yacht builders that don't communicate to the general public. So here they'll tell you that they are worthless...
Don't know if it's allright to post this. One boat that you won't find discussed here and might fit is this sleek, Vripak designed (Holland)...
The northern european yards have specialized over the years on building larger yachts which they have become proficient at and do with generally...
Getting back to the opening post and Fincantieri's engineering capabilities here's an image (2007?) of the aircraft carrier Cavour. 244m length,...
Point taken.:)
And I on the other hand still think that much of the undiscerning new money has unduly flocked towards the German yards lured by the stereotype...